Giffgaff - Reliably Refurbished
D&AD New Blood 2024 Entry - Illustration, Packaging Design, Social Media Design, OOH Advertising
Giffgaff is a mobile service provider that aims to be a positive agent for change in the telco industry. Through identifying poor practices, giffgaff provides customers a better deal.
Let people know that giffgaff is the go-to-site for refurbished phones and own the existing market share. Primarily focusing on university students and young professionals who are looking to buy refurbished, when people think refurbished, they should think giffgaff.
I created an advertising campaign to assure customers that shopping with giffgaff is reliable, easy, and trustworthy while driving engagement across online and outdoor platforms. To address concerns about refurbished products, I used mascot-style characters to represent key warranties and USPs while building a stronger personal connection between the client and it’s demographic.
I designed a branded advertisement kit for influencers to unbox, explain, and promote giffgaff's refurbished products. This strategy expanded the campaign's reach to 18–35-year-olds which built trust and engagement since information was coming from familiar faces. 69% of consumers trust influencers over direct brand messages.
I utilized mascot illustrations and bold typography in social media ads to grab the target audience’s attention and strengthen personal connections. To ensure the key information stood out, I made it bold and memorable, leveraging giffgaff’s existing branding, as 51% of people research brands online before purchasing.
I used mascot illustrations to strengthen the personal connection between giffgaff and its target audience. This style of mascot aided in adding a playful and relaxed look to the campaign, aiming to decrease anxiety and hesitation when shopping refurbished. Brand characters can boost emotional engagement and profit by up to 41%, as customers are more likely to buy from a brand they trust and feel connected to.
This advertising strategy ensured repeated exposure by placing billboards and posters along routes frequented by university students and young professionals. Positioned near campuses and busy transport routes, the bold, simple layouts improved readability from moving vehicles, reinforcing giffgaff as the top choice for refurbished products.